
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Yea Families!

I just found out that 4 families with America World passed their court dates and are on their way to pick up their little ones in Ethiopia! They leave on August 9th! How exciting, I can't wait to see pictures and hear their stories. I get all tingly inside just thinking about it! It makes me want to push forward faster and get all of our paperwork done so we can be put on the waiting list and well, wait! At least we know what we're waiting for and that the wait won't be forever. Woo Hoo!!


Tracy said...

Great blog. We are in the paperchase too! We start our homestudy the week after next. Good luck with everything.

Tracy said...

Hey girl! Yes mail in the 600 form ASAP. On there it says to put on the coversheet that your homestudy will follow. We did that first thing and got a fingerprint appt a month later.